Thursday, July 26, 2007


hey, posting instead of doing my work. today was a pretty bad day in the world of zhongwen and also my physical health. I've been having sleeping problems, mostly involving me not being able to fall asleep at night even though it's ridiculously late. I tried to go to bed at 1;30 last night and stayed up until 2:30. what's more, waking up at 8:00 should have still given me a decent amount of sleep, but i was a zombie today in school and i have no idea why. When I was going to bed at 3:30 - 4:30 before, I'd be tired but I could function. Today I woke up and my mind was screaming in english, which has happened but never this badly. all day today I was in english mode and I felt like Chinese was truly a "foreign language." This is as opposed to before where I could treat the two equally, notably once when I was trying to explain an english phrase, in english, to Cai Xiaojie (at her request) and kept throwing Chinese words in accidentally.
Anyway, so today I was basically in a daze and frustrated about my language proficiency; I forgot "chang chang" ("often") which is I think one of the first 30 characters I learned, ever? I could still speak Chinese ok but when I was thinking to myself my brain was clearly using english. This sucked.
Then, a girl who i'm not interested in asked me to go to the movies and I said yes because I didn't know what else to say. that's going to be awkward because i pretty much don't want to do anything. which is strange considering I'm interested in some of the other people here, but whatever. love works in mysterious ways, eh?
Then, I went to Muay Thai and I dislocated my shoulder. that sucked also.
Right now it's 11:35 and I have 2 sets of characters to learn and a big dialogue to memorize. I've already started on the dialogue so it won't be as bad as last time, but the characters will probably be a mess.
Well, here's hoping tomorrow is better.
Here are some pictures to make you feel happy after reading this train wreck of a post:

note, that is not really ecstasy.

one of my textbooks

my birthday cake!

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